
Press release


OSH Champion for June is Jozef Kandráč

Author: -c-

The title of Occupational Safety Champion for June at U. S. Steel Košice has gone to press machine operator in the slab dressing and scrap recovery operation of the Steel Plants division, Jozef Kandráč. Alongside his normal work he is also an employees' safety representative, and in 2010 he became one of the first cardinal rules trainers. Since then he has successively trained hundreds of our Company's employees, and also hundreds of external workers since the contractors' training program was launched. In the first half of 2019 alone he ran 16 training sessions for USSK employees as well as 16 sessions for contractors. He is a very giving trainer, and if need be he is always willing to help or stand in for his colleagues. In addition to his training work he takes part in the preparation of presentations which are used in cardinal rules training, and he is actively involved in identification of risks, regularly contributing his observations in the EWA application.


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