
Press release


Maintenance Division joins “Millionaires Club”

Author: -fal-

The elite club of “millionaires”, in other words working teams who have achieved 1.5 million employee-hours without injury, was joined on April 16 of this year by USSK Maintenance Division. Maintenance has thus joined the ranks of the Mechanics, Steel Plants, Power Engineering, Transportation, Hot and Cold Rolling Mills, Cokery, Blast Furnaces, Pipes and Radiators, Finishing and Tin Mill and Shipping divisions as well as USSK Subsidiaries in this “club”.

The last injury in Maintenance was recorded on June 20, 2018, that is exactly two years ago. To quote Division Director Henrich Klajber, this excellent result can be fully ascribed to the active approach to safety of all the maintenance employees, who keep to all the specified safety procedures in their work, focusing to the maximum degree on their performance and the elimination of risks. The greatest contribution to these good results in reducing injury rates comes from prevention, the active approach to identifying risks, and taking measures which eliminate danger at work.


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