
Press release


Let’s not lose our ethical sense of direction!

Author: Redakcia

It’s more than a year now since the whole world was struck by the ­COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted all of us in our everyday lives. What is the message of our President Jim Bruno to us as employees in this context? “Regardless of what we’re all currently going through, it’s very important that we don’t lose our ethical sense of direction, and that we keep on focusing in all circumstances on our S.T.E.E.L. principles: Safety first, Trust and respect, Environmentally-friendly activities, Ethical behavior and Lawful business conduct. These form the basis of our USSK Code of Ethical Business Conduct, and they guide us in doing our business ethically and responsibly. They are also the principles we should be guided by in our everyday lives. People should never under any circumstances break the ethical and moral principles for achieving the aims of society. That kind of thing is unacceptable, and I would never ask it of anybody, nor would I overlook it. All our employees should have the courage to stand up for what is right and speak out if they witness or suspect any illegal or unethical behavior.“


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