Press release
Košice Peace Marathon joins the whole community

Author: Ľubomíra ŠOLTÉSOVÁ
The Košice Peace Marathon, the oldest marathon race in Europe, has long-term support from its general partner U. S. Steel Košice. The whole event started on Saturday, October 2, with the minimarathon named U. S. Steel Family Run. This minimarathon is very popular among runners both large and small who want to try at least a small portion of the main marathon course.
The organizers were very strict in following all the rules connected with COVID-19. This was the reason for dividing the event over two days and splitting up the thousands of participants. The first Sunday in October in Košice was then reserved for the full and half marathon races. The KPM has been organized continuously since 1924. It is also unique and different from other historic marathons in that since the very first edition it has always maintained the prescribed distance of 42.195 km.
“The marathon, like business, requires discipline and hard work to be the best in it. We wish all the runners God’s speed and hope they enjoy a safe and healthy event,” said U. S. Steel Košice President Jim Bruno to the participants a couple of days before the event. He also acknowledged the organizers, who ensure that the KPM is run on two levels simultaneously: sport and safety. The latter is especially important now, when the pandemic conditions for mass events have to be maintained. Jim Bruno continued: “It is very important for the whole community that the marathon in Košice continues. It supports not only sport activities and a healthy lifestyle, but it also spreads ideas of friendship and collaboration between people and nations.”
That is why white doves, symbols of peace, are sent out into the world from the hands of winners every year. Though greatly restricted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the KPM still had seven thousand people from 45 countries competing in several disciplines this year.