
Press release


Green future tackled during USSK management meeting

Author: Redakcia

On the last day of May, a communication meeting with the management of U. S. Steel Košice took place via the Microsoft Teams application. The agenda covered topics related to the Company's performance and results for the first quarter of this year, and the forecast for the rest of the year. U. S. Steel Košice President Jim Bruno assessed the situation in production and sales as very good. He also mentioned the commitment of U.  S. Steel Corporation President and CEO David Burritt to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. “From all sectors of heavy industry, we will increasingly hear about the need for partnerships between the private sector and the public sphere in order to share the costs of greening. No industrial company can afford to finance projects that require decarbonization on its own. This topic was also discussed during the visit by the Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic to Pittsburgh. The Government of the Slovak Republic supports us in finding reasonable options for the use of EU funds available to Member States. We can reduce emissions by up to 70 percent compared to 2018, which is even more than the European Union is demanding. There are only two ways to reduce emissions, using electricity or hydrogen. If we were able to carry out this ambitious plan, its implementation would lead to major technological changes in our factory. We would need more electricity and scrap, and less coal. Our factory would look different. And we would help the whole of Slovakia to become a leader in the production of low-emission steels.”


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