
Press release


From the Tatras to the Danube without sleep

Author: Zuzana Baranecová

From the Tatras to the Danube is not just the name of a well-known song. It is also a team relay race, 345 km long. Runners start in Jasná in the Low Tatras on Saturday morning and reach the finish line on the banks of the Danube in Bratislava on Sunday afternoon. Our colleagues Katarína Vojaček and Slavomír Albrecht ran on this track across Slovakia in August.

What does the race From the Tatras to the Danube look like?

Katka: 6, 9, and 12-member teams are registered for the race. We entered as a 6-member team in the ULTRA category. Each of us ran 6 sections, approximately 60 km. There were only two of us in the relay from our company. Slavo and our friend Maťka were the only ones from the team who had experience with a 6-person relay. The rest of us have already run in a 12-member team in the past. The 6-member team has the advantage that the muscles do not stiffen as much. Each of the team runs about every 4-5 hours, the breaks are not too long. Slavo was teasing us, just wait for the fifth section, it will be critical. But we managed it, even if the last sections were difficult because it was very hot, 34°C.

How did you find yourself together in one team?

Katka: The original plan was to run the women's relay. We also chose a characteristic name for the team: Ultra women friendly marathon Košice. But one runner could not participate and Slavko did us a great service by joining us. Getting someone to run 60 kilometers four days before the start is really a problem.

Slavo: I have to thank my wife for letting me race with so many women. On Monday, I found out that I was going to the relay race on Friday. I had no special training, but I had experience. I ran the same relay in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and we managed to win the category twice, once we were third. I know how the girls felt. Running six is ​​much more challenging than running twelve. The twelve have a roughly eight-hour break, which means they have time to eat, shower, and sleep. It was not possible here. We were constantly moving by car, meanwhile one of us was running. We waited for him, another one ran out. The track consists of 36 sections of varying length and difficulty. They are from 7 to 12 km.

What made you sign up for the race?

Katka: It is a challenge and motivation at the same time. And also good training before the October marathon in Košice. You have to run up the kilometers somewhere.

Slavo: Yes, it is a good preparation for the marathon not only physically, but also mentally. Because the psyche is very important in a marathon. Race From the Tatras to the Danube will make you stronger mentally.

You ran day and night. How is it, running during the night?

Katka: It's challenging, but adrenaline makes you keep on going. It was better running during the night as it was cooler. Mandatory equipment at night is a headlamp, flasher on the shoulder, reflective running vest.

Slavo: Sometimes you close your eyes a little bit and run. But adrenaline will do its job. However, the night after the race takes its toll. In case of hot weather, it's better to run at night, but if it's raining, it's not so comfortable.

With what result did you reach the finish line?

Katka: I think we did very well. We finished in sixth place out of eleven teams. We managed to overtake men's teams, even a few men's of 12-members teams. It's just a shame that Slavo wasn't with us at the finish line. After running his last leg, he had to leave due to family obligations. Everyone congratulated us, including the men's teams, they couldn't believe what we had achieved.

Slavo: I must say, when I saw that our team consisted of five women and me, I only wished that we would not finish last. After all, running 60 km is very demanding, and that's where the differences between men and women become apparent. So I was very pleasantly surprised at how well the girls performed. After my last leg I was talking to members of the same six man ULTRA team who were performing similarly to us. They didn't want to believe that there were five women running in our team.

Does this race have a specific atmosphere?

Slavo: A lot depends on which team you run with. The atmosphere was absolutely great with the girls. The people in the villages are also fantastic. They sit outside at night, offering runners water and cookies. I ran around the house with group of people in front of it. They shouted "Come here, would you like some water?" I say: I don't want water, I've had enough of it, give me some beer. One of them jumped up excitedly: "I told you that beer is needed, that someone will want it." He handed me the bottle with the words: "I knew that there would be someone who would take the beer."

Katka: The atmosphere in our team was great, we had fun the whole time. Slavo concluded that only a woman can say "even if it rains cats and dogs, there must be photos". At every handover, we all ran out of the car, took pictures. Actually, that's why we didn't sleep, because we had to take pictures.

Slavo: One was taking photos, the other one videos. At each handover.

Slavo added with a laugh. It can be seen that they have common experiences and enjoyed the race. On the more than 42-kilometer course of the marathon in Košice, we wish them what Slavo said during the interview: To reach the finish line alive, healthy and with a smile.


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