Press release
Congratulations to colleagues who manage to combine work with university study

Author: Martina HRUBOVČÁKOVÁ
On July 9 of this year the leadership of the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling at the Technical University of Košice attended the official presentation of Bakalár degree certificates to sixteen employees of U. S. Steel Košice who decided three years ago to sit in the lecture halls and make a serious attempt at student life in a combined approach to college studies.
Despite their considerable workload at the steelworks, these students have shown that they are serious, diligent and ambitious enough to meet all the demands of study at FMMR. They proved capable moreover of working together as a team, becoming the sort of students many teachers can only dream of having. The academics at FMMR soon appreciated them for their level of preparation for teaching sessions and their professionally-presented termly assignments. Thanks to their practical experience, the employees’ studies at FMMR involved mutual exchange of information and acquisition of valuable insights, not only for themselves as students but for the academics as well.