
Press release


College students' Summer Internship ends

Author: -c-

Two months of summer internship at U. S. Steel Košice have passed for the best part of forty students from local and foreign universities and colleges, as many of them would agree, in the wink of an eye. This feeling though in no way diminishes the fact that becoming part of the everyday story of steel production provided them with a great deal of experience and insights, and not just of working in a real-life company, which was a first time for many of them.

Many of these young people, preparing themselves for their future careers, had nothing but praise on their lips at the closing meeting with members of U. S. Steel Košice management. This was aimed, among others, at the team from the departments of GM for procurement and development of human resources and the Director for recruitment and selection, who put on a series of tried-and-tested training sessions for them during the internship, focusing on the acquisition and development of managerial skills, decision-making processes and team-work. Everything they learned during their “vacation” surely proved useful when it came to dealing with the concluding case-studies prepared for them by our HR specialists.

The winning team in this competition turned out to be no.3, made up of Dávid Csík and Daniela Pancáková from the Faculty of Materiala, Metallurgy and Recycling, Peter Domonkoš, Róbert Nagy and Zuzana Tocimáková from the Faculty of Electrotechnology and Informatics, Daniel Gabáni and Denisa Oleksáková from the Faculty of Economics and Tomáš Horváth from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, all students at the Technical University of Košice, as well as Michaela Hurná from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of P. J. Šafárik in Košice.


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