
Press release


Children's wishes are meant to be fulfilled

Author: -c-

One hundred and fifty-nine. This is the exact number of cards bearing their most secret Christmas wishes prepared in recent days by the children at the St. Klement Hofbauer Foster Home in Podolínec and the Center for Children and Families on Uralská Street in Košice, and the children in the families of our colleagues who find themselves in difficult life situations, as well as the young adults at the Halfway House on Alžbetina Street in Košice.

On Monday of this week, November 11, sufficiently in advance of the year's most beautiful holidays, all of these cards were decorated with ribbons and attached on behalf of the boys and girls to the now traditional Christmas trees set up around the steelworks, by the wives of U. S. Steel Košice top managers Melissa Bruno, Lisa Kocsis, Zuzana Hathawayová, Viera Novosadová and Mária Kiraľvargová. Every employee together with other good people at the Košice works who feel proper empathy can take part in our Company's Wishing Trees project. All you do is take a card from one of the three trees and buy the Christmas gift which that child is dreaming of, and you will be joining those good-hearted people who find it easy to conjure up a smile on a child's face.


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