
Press release


Bouquet even for baby

Author: Iveta Falatová

On Friday, March 8 shone on the calendar. We were curious whether you receive or give flowers for this holiday. We were not surprised by the answer. 122 readers participated in the survey and as many as 110 of them answered yes to the question asked.

We drew Ladislav Pytel from DZ Studená rollovňa, who also belongs to men who do not hesitate to stand longer lines in a flower shop.

He was very pleased with the news that he had won a bouquet of flowers. He has never won anything before. He received his flowers last Friday.

"Of course, the bouquet will be for my wife. Not only for Women's Day, maybe today we will also see an addition to the family, because my wife has the first due date for our first baby today,"  the winner confided to us.

On the same day, he sent us photos and wrote that his wife really liked the bouquet.

And yesterday we received this message from our winner: "I have to praise you, we are already three, our son Lacko was born. Today at 4:30 p.m. Everything is fine and my mother handled it great."

We warmly congratulate the whole family and wish them that the baby will bring only happiness, love and joy into their lives.



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