
Press release


A year in motion

Author: Iveta Falatová

It has been a year since U. S. Steel Košice employees have been able to exercise together in the gallery in the Public Affairs building, under the guidance of trainer Sylvia Hušková. Every Wednesday, a group gathers here, whose members already know each other well, and sometimes someone new joins. We used the lighting of the first candle on the imaginary cake to talk to the participants of these exercises and evaluate the benefits.

How did this idea actually come about? Erika Linkeschová answers: "About two years ago, at the Next Gen meeting, we talked about ideas and projects that could be beneficial for employees. Since I love movement and sports, my dream was to exercise in the workplace together with colleagues, colleagues who have the same hobby. We turned this idea into a project together and finally implemented it into a concrete form, exactly a year ago. We started carefully, for a test. And we succeeded, the project and the exercise is alive and has its rock participants and occasional visitors. In addition to exercises, our regular meetings have put together a group of nice people. Without them, we wouldn't know each other.  I am glad that the employer supported our activity and we can use the premises of the large meeting room in the External Relations building. Sylvia is great, professional, kind and pushes us, takes into account our abilities and possibilities, but does not feel sorry for us and also gives us a hard time. The exercises under her guidance are varied and imaginative. And I want to thank the master of the cleaning company, who ensures that the floor is washed every Wednesday – on the day of exercise."

We also asked some other regular participants why they go to these exercises, what it gives them, what kind of trainer Sylvia is... From the answers we have selected:

Zuzana Sýkorová: "We practice various types of exercises to improve flexibility and strengthen various parts of the body using our own weight. It is very nice and practical that the exercise is on the company's premises and immediately after the end of working hours. Sylvia is a great professional trainer who perfectly chooses the sequence, difficulty and dynamics of the exercises.  In addition, she is very sympathetic, nice and creates a pleasant and motivating atmosphere for exercise, so we always look forward to exercising."

Eva Stanová: "Exercising in a group is motivating for me and brings me a good mood. Since I have been working from home since 2020, I also welcome the opportunity to meet colleagues in the company in person."

Ladislav Boda: "I come here for exercises and movements that I would not do and could not do at home on my own. I have better mobility, stamina, posture.  Sylvia is an excellent coach. He navigates us perfectly, makes sure we don't get hurt, explains everything properly."

Mia Janočková: " Since I don't have a place of work in Košice, I didn't participate in exercises often. However, I'm glad that I could try it with Sylvia at least occasionally and experience it. This form of group activity also strengthens the community spirit. Our colleague Sylvia shares with us what she does extremely well, what she does in her free time and does it for the rest of us employees with passion, joy and willingness."

And how does trainer Sylvia Hušková evaluate this activity? "Sometimes I come across the question of whether I still enjoy staying in the company after working hours and exercising. The answer is a resounding yes! The reason is very simple. There are people behind it. People who want to let stress, pressure, responsibilities out of their heads for a while. It's amazing to watch how every week the doors to the gallery open and the group comes with a smile on their faces, anticipation in their eyes and tension in their bodies. Some even run from home and that's probably what surprises me the most. A group of perfect people comes regularly, we operate on the same wavelength. We alternate exercises, from Tabata through Healthy Back to Deepwork (which is a matter of my heart). The spice is humor, which must not be missing and mutual interaction.  If I'm on vacation, the group agrees on who will take the initiative. Honestly – this idea didn't arise in my head, it made me all the more happy.  The fact that people don't want to miss a single week leads me to the conclusion – we will definitely continue this activity.  Most employees rush home after work, or to other duties. I completely understand that. I'm no exception. That is why it is almost unbelievable that a year has passed and the project is still working."

Want to join? You don't need to do any administrative tasks, you don't need to register or log in anywhere. Simply, just come.  You need to bring workout clothes and a mat. And of course, a good mood and a desire to exercise. A group of regular participants of exercises with Sylvia will be happy to welcome each new member, every Wednesday at 3:45 p.m. in the meeting room/gallery in the Public affairs building on the 1st floor.


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