
Tricky words in today´s OVI

Tricky words in today´s OVI

There are many place-names in these extracts, for cities and countries, showing how the English form differs from the original language form, and from the Slovak version as well. One reason is that written English does not have diacritical marks (ľšáäô) that Slovak can use to get closer to the original language form.

Another reason is the preference for certain letters or sounds in English, for example "g" or "k" rather than "h", as in Belgrade and Croatia (say: krou-ejše). Twenty years ago there was a change in BBC policy on pronouncing foreign names, trying to get closer to the original forms (Beijing rather than Peking), partly because it is more accurate and more authentic, but also partly to break away from the old colonial forms of the names and show more respect for the modern country's identity.

On the other hand the tendency of every nation to impose its own form of names on other countries' capital and major cities also applies to the English (Munich, Vienna, Warsaw, Moscow) as much as to the Slovaks (Mníchov, Viedeň, Paríž, Londýn ... Niújóók).

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