This year looks like being a bumper edition (hustý ročník) in terms of elections (voľby). The trades unions have a new (staronový) Chairman, Košice people turned out
in droves (húfy) to vote for (voliť niekoho) their new (staronový) temporary Mayor, and the vast (drvivá) majority of Belarussians have re-elected (znovuzvoliť) their old (novostarý)
There have been general elections (parlamentné voľby) in Ukraine, the second round (kolo) is coming soon in Hungary, and they're waiting for the official results now
in Italy. The Czechs will be voting (hlasovať) later this year, and of course there are general elections in this country in mid-June (v polovici júni), and the election campaign /kampejn/ is
getting under way.
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).