
Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

The tricky part in this week's piece about the new school sports ground is the potential mix-up of British and American English and Slovak terminology, so I'm going to look at the terms one by one. The difference between sports ground and playground (ihrisko) is that the former is for adult sports (e.g. soccer, athletics, baseball) whereas the latter is for children and has climbing frames, see-saws and sand pits.

American football is the NFL type culminating in the Super Bowl event, so the word soccer (say /soka/) is used to mean the original English Association football ("Association" got shortened to "soccer"), the basis of the UEFA Champions League and the FIFA World Cup. Football-tennis is the English name for nohejbal, which is mainly a European sport, so that is football in the European sense. Benches and bleachers are long, flat seats for players and spectators, bleachers specifically at American outdoor sports grounds where the sun and rain remove (bleach) all the color from the woodwork.

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