
Anglické jazykové okienko

Anglické jazykové okienko

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Competition. This is one of the many words in English that change their meaning depending on whether they used in a countable (unit) or uncountable (mass) sense. A competition is countable, so it can be singular or plural in meaning (singular 'a' means 'one', 'another' means 'one more', and plural means two, three, ten or more), and the translation in Slovak is "súťaž". Some competition is uncountable (neither singular nor plural, only 'more' or 'less'), and the Slovak translation is "konkurencia". The singular article 'a' is not always used, however (e.g. in last year's international competition), in which case you have to understand from the context if it means "súťaž" or "konkurencia".

Andy's Wordshop

Wishing All Readers The Best Of Health, Good Fortune And Every Success In The Coming Year

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