
Anglické jazykové okienko

Anglické jazykové okienko

Andy's Wordshop

There's a very old children's rhyme which helps them to learn the days of the week, introduces them to fortune-telling (veštenie) and maybe human character as well. It goes: Monday's child is fair of face (good-looking), Tuesday's child is full of grace (kindness, or Božia milosť), Wednesday's child is full of woe (sadness), Thursday's child has far to go (traveling), Friday's child is loving and giving (generous), Saturday's child works hard for a living, But the child who is born on the Sabbath Day is bonny (good-looking) and blithe (carefree) and good and gay (the original meaning: happy).

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Patron. This is derived from the Latin words pater (father) and patronus (protector - as in the Harry Potter stories). Later in French it came to mean a saint who protects individual people (Christian names are saints' names) or groups of people (St.Christopher for travelers, St.Eligius for metalworkers) or towns (St.Elizabeth for Košice). Later (still in French) it started to mean the owner or boss of a company, then the head of department in any organization.
In English there is also the expression patron saint, then the idea of a rich person who supports the arts, then a famous person who is the honorary leader of a philanthropic organization. A patron is also a regular customer or a client, because they support a shop or a bar/pub with their money, their custom.

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