English "respect" and Slovak "rešpekt". These are typical false friends, because not only do they look and sound very similar, but there's also only a small difference
in their meanings, but it is a significant difference. English "respect" should be translated as "úcta", and its meaning is completely positive. As usual, the same form of the word is sometimes a
verb, other times a noun.
You can respect somebody, or you can have respect for them. You can respect their opinions, which means not so much "uctiť" as "uznávať", and people should respect the
law, which is more like "dodržiavať". The Slovak sense of "rešpekt" is like the English, but there's an extra dimension of fear involved in it, which is why I have used the word "awe" in the
interview with Mr.Terry, because that includes the feeling of fear as well as respect.
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).