
Tricky words in today´s OVI

Tricky words in today´s OVI

There is more than the average incidence of words with superlative meanings in this week's extracts. There are "prestigious awards" at the film festival, "outstanding results" in safety this year, "most beautiful drawings" for the 2007 safety calendar, and an "extremely appreciated gift" for the Transport School.

The tricky words are outstanding and appreciated, because their meanings vary in different contexts. Outstanding results, performance or achievement means "vynikajúce", because they stand out from the crowd. Outstanding payments, debts or bills, on the other hand, means "nezaplatené", or "nevyrovnané", because they stand out when everything else is balanced. An appreciated gift, compliment or bit of help is "cenené", but if an investment appreciates in value, you say "zhodnocuje sa", and if someone appreciates your concern, "chápe Vaše obavy", but doesn't think it's necessary.

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