
Tricky Words in today's OVI

Tricky Words in today's OVI

Clothes and clothing. There are various aspects of trickiness in these words. The first is pronunciation, how to get that voiced 'th' sound right. If you put the tip of your tongue hard behind your teeth and say 'nnn', then move the tip of your tongue well forward and press it up against the edge of your top teeth, but keep making the same sound, it should come out right. Or you could forget about that and say 'v' as in "veselý vlk", and then say /kloúvz/ and /kloúvin/. You'll sound a bit like a Londoner, but that's cool.

The next thing is that the word "clothes" has no singular form (clothes always ARE), while "clothing" has no plural (clothing always IS, because it's uncountable). So clothes are "šaty" (but not "dámske večerné šaty", because that's A DRESS), and "clothing" is also "šaty", but more formal, like "footwear" (obuv) compared with "shoes" (topánky), so it could be "oblečenie" or even "šatstvo".

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