The word "outstanding" is a good example of the practical need to learn a minimum of two Slovak translations for each English word, and vice-versa, allowing students
to develop out of the "one translation for each foreign word" approach and gain more flexibility and more possibility of understanding. One meaning of "outstanding" is pretty good, expressing the
Slovak "vynikajúce", but the other meaning is not so positive, because it means "zatiaľ nezaplatené", as in "outstanding debt".
Understanding the right idea depends on the context and probabilities of word association, so that "an outstanding concert by Sting" is more likely to mean an
excellent performance rather than a concert that he's been paid for but hasn't played yet. Another translation of "vynikajúce" is "excellent", and "nezaplatené" is also "overdue". Then another
translation of "excellent" is "výborný", and "overdue" is also "po termíne pôrodu". And so on....
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).