
Tricky words in today´s OVI

Tricky words in today´s OVI

Talking about the future is especially tricky in English due to various possibilities of using grammar to refer to the future. The "future tense" is really "WILL BE + ING", because it always has future meaning, and it typically refers to objective facts like events which are already arranged for a specified time in the future.

The trade fair piece in OVI has some classic examples, because the fairs and exhibitions are already arranged for specified times in the year ahead, and USSK intends to appear at them because it is good for business (objective fact). There are other references to the future in the piece, though, especially using the "simple present" tense: The first exhibition IS … in late March; April SEES … three events; … where we FOCUS on radiators; the Košice works again PRESENTS flat rolled products. This indicates future events which are fixed, like something universally true, things which always happen regularly, so also in the future. Be careful with "will" WITHOUT "be + ing", because it is often used to express someone's personal will (vôľa) to do something, like when the desk phone rings and you say "I'll answer it". You are not really talking about the future in that case.

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