
Tricky words in today´s OVI

Tricky words in today´s OVI

One of the reasons why particular words are tricky is because they develop new meanings through use. Words that are over-used become devalued, like old banknotes, then people are not sure if they express the proper meaning any more, so they start using a different word, or they specify the meaning by creating an expression. In two of this week's extracts the expression "working meeting" is used (and it's a word-for-word translation from Slovak, so this process is going on here too).

Obviously some people are worried that if they use the word "meeting" alone, then some other people will think that it means an empty talking-shop, a social gathering, possibly a dinner party, probably funded by tax-payers' money, so just to be sure they add the word "working" to persuade us of the proper reason for the meeting. Now would anybody like to have a "business breakfast"?

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