
Tricky words in today´s OVI

Tricky words in today´s OVI

In translating the extracts making up the OVI compilation I try to maintain as much as possible the order of ideas in the sentences from the Slovak articles in my English versions. This effort is complicated by the tendency of Slovak sentences to have their subject (podmet - kto, čo) somewhere near the end, which is the opposite situation compared with typical English sentences.

One quite neat solution is to use passive forms of the verbs (which keeps the style a bit more formal as well, and more typical of newspaper articles), in these extracts as follows: was represented by, was given by, was attended by, is being organized ... by, will be assessed, will be announced, will be held, placed. Another "trick" is useful in the initial sentences of excerpts with the pattern: When - Where - sa uskutočnilo - What. I can keep this order of ideas if I say the hotel was "the venue" (from French), meaning "the place where people come together", or "hosted", meaning "acted as the host". Remember that English "host" /houst/ is Slovak "hostiteľ", while Slovak "hosť" is English "guest" /gest/.

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