Support /sa-póót/, a support, to support - a word with two meanings, one normally understood quite easily, while the other is pretty tricky. First there is support
like opora, podpora and podpera, meaning moral, financial and physical support respectively. A lot of people support a soccer or ice-hockey team as fans, for example. The third is also known as a
pit-prop or a mine stanchion /stančn/.
From what I've heard, at the USSK Annual Ball Beáta Dubasová came on stage wearing an athletic support (ortéza - on her knee, I think), so keen was she to sing a duet
with Vašo Patejdl, the guest star. The other meaning is involved when we hear that a PC sound card "supports" Bluetooth technology, and incomprehensibly this has become established in Slovak as
"podporuje". Somebody really did some in-depth dictionary work there, when they chose that translation! In fact this sense of "supports" means "tolerates", so the Slovak word should be "znáša".
It's too late to apologise …
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).