
Tricky words in today´s OVI

Tricky words in today´s OVI

Handling and manipulation. These words with originally similar meaning come from very different roots, German and Latin respectively. As is typical in these cases, the word with German origin has developed more everyday, informal, mainly physical meanings, and the Latin version has become more and more formal and abstract in English use, becoming tricky as we would expect, while the Slovak sense of "manipulácia" has remained close to the original.

People must be careful when handling heavy loads (tying, lifting and moving them). You shouldn't handle goods in shops, like squeezing and poking bread, fruit or vegetables, or picking up ornaments. Everyone shouts "Handball!" when a soccer player handles the ball. It is also possible to talk about handling people in a non-physical sense, like managing and dealing with them, but manipulating people is negative, using tricky psychological methods to make them believe or do things they would not normally accept.

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