Slogans clearly reveal one of the biggest differences between the Slovak and English languages, because English has to come up with an alternative for the use of cases
(pády) in Slovak. Slovak words (nouns) get various endings added to them in line with certain paradigms (12 basic patterns).
The endings indicate the cases, which in turn tell us the part played by each noun in the sentence, whether it is the person or thing that does something, or the one
it happens to, the one it is done by, who is the one that something is given to, who helps who(m - a remnant of an objective case ending in English here), who waits for who(m), who goes out with
who(m) - and so on.
English often uses prepositions (e.g. to, by, for, with) instead of case endings, but these are clumsy in slogans (Športom proti drogám is much more compact and
elegant than Through or With sport against drugs), so its better to find create a typical Subject-Verb-Object construction in English, especially if you can get a double meaning from it (sport is
more enjoyable than drugs/sport makes drugs unnecessary).
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).