
Tricky words in today´s OVI

Tricky words in today´s OVI

I want some controversy this week, which is another way of being tricky. Some people who are curmudgeonly killjoys think that the celebration of romantic love on February 14th is an unacceptably commercial importation from America, and has no tradition here in Slovakia, but I say they are wrong.

This day has been Valentin's nameday in Central Europe for a long time. Namedays are traditional in Catholic countries, but not in Protestant areas, because they are based on saints' days. St.Valentine may have been a 4th-century priest who was martyred in Rome for giving couples Christian weddings, and he is known as the patron-saint of lovers. This day is a celebration of a positive emotion, not just a commercial opportunity - you don't have to buy anything to express your love.

What is more, I think sending "valentine" messages is more traditional and better than getting drunk on International Women's Day as it used to be celebrated here during the former regime.

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