English words beginning with or containing the combination of letters "ge-" can be tricky in terms of their pronunciation, because it's necessary to learn them
separately to know whether to say /dže/ or /ge/. In today's extracts there are the words "gesture" /džešče/ or /džesťe/, "Germany" /džéémny/, "Challenger" /čalndže/, and "general" /dženrel/. Then
there are other /dže/ words like "geography" and "geometry", or "gem" (klenot) and "gel" (for your hair), the star sign "Gemini" /džeminaj/, then the gases "oxygen", "hydrogen" and "nitrogen", the
Swiss city Geneva /dženííve/, or a "gentleman" called "George".
So it looks like most "ge-" words are pronounced /dže/, and you only have to be careful to say /ge/in a few tricky ones, which are basically "get" (dostať), "target"
(terč), "together" (spolu), "geyser" /gííze/, "gelding" (kôn, valach), "geese" (husy), "gear" /gie/ (prevod, or slang: oblečenie) and of course Richard Gere /gie/.
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).