

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Tricky Words in this week's OVI


Agenda - another word from Latin that is used in English and Slovak, as usual in different senses. The original meaning was "things needing to be done", and this idea is preserved in both languages, but whereas the Slovak idea indicates the area of responsibility of an official institution (Slovak "rezort"), which might be expressed in English by 'affairs', 'matters' or 'business', the English idea is the list of things to be discussed or covered at a meeting (note that this may not involve anything actually being done).

The typical order of a meeting agenda is first to check who is present and reasons for others' absence, then to read and approve the minutes ("zápisnica") of the previous meeting, then deal with the main points of the agenda, deciding in each case who is responsible for ensuring that something is done, and finally talk about "AOB", any other business, which could well go on until the cows come home.

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