Manage and manager. The root of these words is the Latin 'manus' meaning 'hand', so there's a link here with the idea of 'handling' (or 'manipulating') things or
people. Somebody who manages a section, department, division, factory or company in fact manages (controls) the PEOPLE under him/her, so a manager is someone who ensures that people work properly,
so that the organization functions properly. This is not an easy task, so the word 'manage' often suggests 'to do something with difficulty' or 'to achieve a surprising result', like the
maintenance staff who have managed to work withut injury for over a year.
A more positive expression is 'they have succeeded in working…'. So the Slovak meaning is "podarilo sa im". When someone says: "We managed to get tickets for the
concert", the Slovak idea is not just "vybavili sme si lístky", but "horko-ťažko sa nám podarilo zohnať si lístky". Ordinary "vybaviť" is 'arrange' in English.
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).