
Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

A different approach this week - taking one extract and going through the tricky words as they appear. In the Metal Inspiration piece, the first potential tricky items are the foreign loan-words (vernisáž, workshop, dizajnéri), because you can't be sure that they should be translated the way they look, as the original languages (French, English) might understand them differently compared with Slovak.

This time, though, the meanings are close enough, so we can move on. The next thing is "vraj", used for indicating reported speech. There's no crime here, so it's not "allegedly" in English, and I've used "it seems", because this doesn't exactly mean "zdá sa" any more, but is closer to "hovorí sa". Then there's "fantázia", and this really doesn't mean "fantasy" in English, because a fantasy is not a mental faculty or resource, but it is a day-dream, like when an ordinary car driver imagines he is a Schumacher. The last one is "majstri", because "masters" is not enough in English. It doesn't mean "champions" here, so I've used the idea of "supervisors", like the job position in a factory.

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