The Slovak word "obchod" has various senses or meanings, reflected in different English translations, differentiated as usual by the countability of the words. The
most general and therefore UNcountable sense is TRADE (meaning buying, selling and exchanging goods - the countable form A TRADE means "remeslo" or "odbor"), and another uncountable form appears in
the extract on electronic COMMERCE, which might be the way to good BUSINESS.
The latter also has a countable form - A BUSINESS (remember last week), which in the sense of "obchod" is probably A SHOP or A STORE. Another countable form (because
it's plural) - SALES - is used as the name for a department or section in a manufacturing company. The most specific meaning of "obchod" is of course also countable - A DEAL - which is what is made
(or maybe done) when two sides agree on A TRANSACTION to buy, sell or exchange something (goods, foreign currency, shares, information). This week in particular looks like a typical time for some
desperate behind-the-scenes political deals.
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).