
Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Assuming that you remember that daffodils are full yellow narcissi, this time I am going to do a survey of various tricky words. Firstly "achieve" and "reach" - the former applies to more abstract, qualitative goals and aims, the latter to more physical, quantitative targets /táágits/ and objectives. So zero injuries is the target we want to reach, but being the best because our customers say we are is the goal we want to achieve.

Nextly "section" and "sector" - I still have the feeling that a section is one of the smaller organizational units, like a team, whereas a sector is one of the bigger ones, maybe bigger than a division and sometimes headed by a Vice-president. Lastly "to treat" and "to cure" - the former means the process of medical handling of an illness or disease ("liečiť") while the latter means the product, the successful accomplishment of the process, when the patient gets better ("vyliečiť"). Anyone got a feeling of déja vu?

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