Tourists. This word has a narrow meaning in English, but more potential for interpretation in Slovak. The English idea is of a group of people on holiday, travelling
around in a large, air-conditioned, video-equipped coach (i.e. a nice bus), who stop at attractive places for sight-seeing, pour out of the coach waving their cameras, buy souvenirs and have lunch,
then clamber back onto the coach to go on to the next place on their trip.
The last things which they might think about taking with them on holiday are hiking boots, which would be quite natural for Slovak "turisti" in one sense of the word,
which should strictly be "peší turisti". The English idea of "tour" is much bigger than the Slovak "túra", much more like "turné", like when a band goes out "on tour", while "túra" can be
translated as "walk" or "hike". But sometimes the Slovak "turisti" means something like the English "tourists", and while I know Nižná Myšľa is a nice place, it doesn't strike me as a great hiking
or hill-walking destination (no offence meant).
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