
Tricky Words in this week's OVI

Tricky Words in this week's OVI

This week's extracts are suitable for a survey of Slovak words with special translations in English. In the piece on human resources, the word "úsek" is used in two different senses - one bigger, which I translate as "sector", and one smaller, which I translate as "section". In between there is the more general word "útvar", which I translate as "unit". Checking the USSK organizational units list, I find that "hygiena práce" becomes "occupational health", because the English "hygiene" (say: háj-džíín) is too specific, like washing your hands after using the rest-room.

In the Košická Belá piece, "dcérska spoločnosť" is "subsidiary" (say: sab-sidžery), which is a smaller company that is 100% owned by the parent company. In the Literary Club piece, I call "vedecká knižnica" the Research Library rather than "scientific", because that suggests "prírodovedecká" to me, whereas this library contains all kinds of books for students' work, which I think should be reseaarch.

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