Proving its worth. These are tricky words for different reasons, the first because it changes its meaning slightly in different contexts, and the second because it is
used mainly in a collection of fixed phrases, like idioms or sayings, so the Slovak equivalents are different each time. "Prove" originally meant "try" or "test", like the German "probieren", and a
"probe" in English is an instrument used for investigating and checking ("sonda" in Slovak).
The meaning of "prove" like "dokázať" is a more modern development. So the saying: "The exception proves the rule" should really be translated: "Výnimka skúša
pravidlo", i.e. if the rule is strong, it won't be spoilt by the exception. "For what it's worth" I would translate as: "Pokiaľ to má vôbec význam". "It's not worth it" is either "Nemá to význam"
or "Neoplatí sa". And always remember: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
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