Tricky Words in this week's OVI
The Slovak words "oslávenec" and "jubilant" are particularly difficult to translate into English. In paraphrases, one is "a person being celebrated", and the other is "a person celebrating an
anniversary", which strictly-speaking should be their 50th birthday or their 50th year on the throne as a monarch. Those paraphrases are much too long and clumsy to be used in a sentence, and
anyway they just don't evoke the same ideas as the Slovak words. Where children are involved, "oslávenec" or "jubilant" could be the "birthday boy", but that's not suitable for long-serving
employees. A "celebrant" is a priest performing the mass, and a "celebrator" was originally somebody honoring or praising another person. Maybe that idea has been replaced, however, and
"celebrator" could mean somebody enjoying the celebration of some kind of event.
Andy's Wordshop
"Sick" or "ill"? This time of year, early autumn, with cold mornings but still warm afternoons, or sunny weather rapidly giving way to rain, makes a lot of people vulnerable to illnesses, and
there's a lot of absences from work or school. "Where's so-and-so today," someone asks, and in British English the answer is "S/he's ill", while in American English it's "S/he's sick". But British
people also say "S/he's off sick", and the money you may get instead of your normal pay for being "off sick" is called "sick pay". While American sick means generally ill, though, British sick
means "je mi zle zo žaludka", and it's even more of an action than just a state, so if a British person says "I'm going to be sick", give them a bucket or a paper bag, and then stand well clear.
Pred chvíľou sa skončila demonštrácia v Bruseli, ktorú organizoval industriAll s podporou Európskej oceliarskej asociácie (EUROFER).