
Andy's Wordshop

Andy's Wordshop

Anglické jazykové okienko

This is a new weekly column specially intended for readers' questions about English usage. Oceľ Východu is offering everyone the chance to send in queries about English words and expressions they have heard or read, and I will try to satisfy them with explanations or clarifications. For example, you may have heard that British and American people do not say anything equivalent to "dobrú chuť" before they start eating, and you want to ask if that's true.

I will put my answers in this column, but first I need some questions from you, our readers. Please send your questions by e-mail to ocelvychodu@sk.uss.com The answer to the question above is: Yes, that's basically true, because native English speakers eat to live, and it's considered a bonus if they enjoy their food.

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