
Press release


Steelmakers for Hurbanova

Author: Ján Malajter, Zuzana Baranecová

Volunteers helped at the Center for Children and Families (CDR) on Hurbanová street for the tenth time. The event Steelmakers for Košice was held here on Saturday, June 22. It is obvious that the general manager for procurement, Martina Kaprálová, has taken this location under her wing - everyone knows each other and it resembles team building.

Rudolf Juroš, Dušan Opršal and Martin Čamák were working nearby. Their task was to complete a mini - project with an environmental focus that CDR had started. They managed to create an eye-pleasing zone around the pillar with the sign "It doesn't hurt to keep the neighborhood clean". It was not easy to dig the hard soil full of roots and stones, but the result was worth it. Mária Marcinková and Dominika Cuprišinová took care of the final planting of the plants.

The annual and most physically demanding activity that awaits the volunteers here is mowing the area. The terrain is very uneven and mowing is time - consuming. Traditionally, colleagues Peter Tulenko, Marek Blaško and Gabriel Dankó undertook this work. The views and comments of the workers from CDR are full of gratitude every time after mowing the vast area.

Cans of paints and brushes were also waiting for the volunteers. Martina Kaprálová and her family took care of children's climbing frames and swings. They sanded off the original layer of paint and applied a new coating.

There were also volunteers at the entrance gate. Martina Kováčová, Peter Protivňák and Marcela Krištofčíková with her son took care of arranging the hedges and painting the retaining wall in front of the front door. Dušana Takáčová, Sarah Šutáková and František Kiráľ were responsible for the new color coating of the entrance gate.

It was necessary to build a retaining wall in the upper part of the area. Jakub Jacko and Matúš Bakši undertook this work. Together with a professional, they built a wall that even an experienced master would not be ashamed of.

Our colleague Michal Bigaň helped put the benches in the rest area in tip - top condition. Together with other colleagues, they cut ornamental trees and modernized the sandpit, which was already in dire need of modifications.

There was an area behind one of the buildings in the upper part of the site that needed to be cleaned. Colleagues Miroslav Antol and Juraj Guba have been removing encroached trees since the very morning and cleaning the overgrown gutters so that water does not soak the building. There was so much work that gradually during the day other colleagues from other positions joined the work. Team spirit was shown here as well.

The people working at CDR are also a great team. They take care of children and young adults with various types of disabilities. Several young adults helped with the chores. They contributed to the beautification of the place where they grow up. The work of volunteers is highly valued at the center. The proof is the framed group of photos from each Steelmakers for Košice event which took place here. They hand on the wall of the corridor in the main building. This year, a tenth photo frame will be added to them - you know for sure which one it will be.

Photo gallery: Arpád Köteles, Ján Malajter


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