
Press release


Let's help improve the Children's Historical Railway

Author: František Gregor

Dear steelmakers, supporters of the Košice Children's Historical Railway,

this year, too, we would like to invite you to improve the railway, which is unique not only in Slovakia. There are various jobs planned during the Volunteer Day - Steelmakers for Košice, which will take place on Saturday, June 22, 2024, starting at 8:00 a.m.

You can sign up for this activity from May 15 via intrantet U. S. Steel Košice. 

The work ahead of us:
In addition to locomotive repairs and maintenance, we plan to clean and paint a metal container at Čermeľ station. At the Alpinka station, we will install a fence around the playground so that our little ones can play safely, we will clean and paint the railings and plant a hedge. On the track, it is necessary to remove overgrown trees that reach up to the rails. We will create several work teams to get the job done.

What to bring:
Comfortable work clothes and closed leather shoes.
Good mood and enthusiasm for "our" railway.

What not to bring:
Protective equipment - will be provided (goggles, gloves and  also raincoats, if necessary).
Refreshment - baguettes, mineral water, coffee, tea, and a tasty lunch will be provided at the event.
In addition, each participant will receive a t-shirt with the event logo.

For any questions, contact Fero Gregor, mobile: +421 917 656 248
or by e-mail:

We look forward to seeing you on the Košice Children's Historical Railway!

A container which will be cleaned and painted

Fencing that will come to life with a new paint

New fence will be installed around children's playground

Overgrown trees and driftwood will be removed from the track

Information about Volunteer Days is published on the website of U. S. Steel Košice:
Volunteering - U. S. Steel Košice

Steam locomotive U36.003 - Katka, celebrates 140 years. A few interesting facts about Katka:
Katka is the oldest operational narrow-gauge steam locomotive in the European Union. It was produced in 1884 by the German Lokomotivfabrik Hagans in Erfurt.

Originally, the three-axle steam locomotive ran on the Gelnica railway, from where it was moved to Štiavnica in 1938, where it served until the line was canceled in 1949. From 1950, it ran again in Smolník until the line was canceled in 1965, when the locomotive itself was shut down. However, it was fully functional and thus continued to serve as a heating boiler in the Spišská Nová Ves locomotive depot, where it was later displayed on the monument.

In 1989, it was transferred to ŽOS České Velenice, where it underwent extensive repairs, and since 1991 it has been operating on the Košice Children's Historical Railway.


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